
Steps to join Sakura Gakuin Support Group

POSTED ON: Saturday 3 August 2013 @ 10:03 | 0 comments

Go to
Find the pink button and click it.

You will be directed to another site.
Click on the long red button at the bottom of the page.
The Internet will open your email and you must send an email to the support group. (The email should have been provided)
However if you can't open your email or the support group's email wasn't provided. Please send an email to
After sending the mail, an email from the support group (that looks like the one below) will be sent to you.
Click on the first link and it will bring you to this website.

Fill in your particulars and click the button at the bottom.

Once the registration is completed, you will be brought back to the homepage of the support group.
Click on the log in button located at the top right of the website and sign in.

You're done once you see your username at the top right of the homepage.


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